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The electronic forms

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Electronic Services of the Industrial Property Office of the SR

    • Electronic form:

    • Service description

      The service allows a citizen or entrepreneur to submit a trade mark application through an electronic form, which consists of any sign, especially a word including personal names, a drawing, letters, numbers, colors, the shape of the product or the shape of the packaging, or a sound, if such a sign is capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one person from the goods or services of another person and is able to be expressed in the trade mark register.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      Služba je určená pre občana alebo podnikateľa, ktorý má záujem o ochranu označenia, ktoré je spôsobilé rozlíšiť tovary alebo služby jednej osoby od tovarov alebo služieb inej osoby a je spôsobilé byť vyjadrené v registri ochranných známok
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      Filing a trade mark application generates a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.
    • Electronic form:

      The service is intended to submit a patent application for an invention.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit a patent application for inventions which are new, involve an inventive step and are susceptible of industrial application.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested in protecting an invention with a patent. An inventor shall have the right to file a patent application. Co-inventors of an invention have the right to a solution within the extent to which they participated in creating an invention. If an inventor created an invention within the framework of fulfilling tasks from an employment, similar relationship or from membership relation, right to a solution shall pass to an employer.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      Filing a patent application generates a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.
    • Electronic form:

      The service is intended to submit a utility model application.
    • Service description

      Služba umožňuje občanovi alebo podnikateľovi prostredníctvom elektronického formulára podať prihlášku úžitkového vzoru na technické riešenie, ktoré je nové, zahŕňa vynálezcovskú činnosť a je priemyselne využiteľný.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested in protecting an invention with a utility model. An inventor shall have the right to file a utility model application. Co-inventors of an invention have the right to a solution within the extent to which they participated in creating an invention. If an inventor created an invention within the framework of fulfilling tasks from an employment, similar relationship or from membership relation, right to a solution shall pass to an employer.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      Filing a utility model application generates a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.
    • Electronic form:

    • Service description

      The service allows a citizen or entrepreneur to apply for a design that protects the appearance of the product via an electronic form. A design is eligible for protection if it is new and has a distinctive character.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested in protecting the appearance of the product through design.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      Filing a design application generates a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.
    • Electronic form:

    • Service description

      The service allows a citizen or entrepreneur to apply for a supplementary protection certificate via an electronic form. Medicinal products and plant protection products, for which an authorisation to place the product on the market has been granted by a relevant authority, may be protected by supplementary protection certificates.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested in protecting medicinal products and plant protection products, for which an authorisation to place the product on the market has been granted by a relevant authority.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      Filing an application for a supplementary protection certificate generates a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.

    • Electronic form

      The form is used to submit comments, a request for revocation of a trade mark, a request to declare a trade mark null and void, objections to the registration of a trade mark, a request for an amicable settlement of the dispute and a request for proof of genuine use of an earlier trade mark.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit comments, a request for revocation of a trade mark, a request to declare a trade mark null and void, objections to the registration of a trade mark, a request for an amicable settlement of the dispute and a request for proof of genuine use of an earlier trade mark.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who plan to submit comments, a request for revocation of a trade mark, a request to declare a trade mark null and void, objections to the registration of a trade mark, a request for an amicable settlement of the dispute and a request for proof of genuine use of an earlier trade mark.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      A request for revocation of a trade mark, a request to declare a trade mark null and void, objections to the registration of a trade mark generate a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.
    • Electronic form

      The form is used to submit observations on patentability after publication of the application, a request for revocation of the patent and a request for determination of the patent.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit observations on patentability after publication of the application, a request for revocation of the patent and a request for determination of the patent.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who plan to submit observations on patentability after publication of the application, a request for revocation of the patent and a request for determination of the patent.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      A request for revocation of the patent and a request for determination of the patent generate a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.
    • Electronic form

      The form is used to submit objections to the registration of a utility model, a request for cancellation of a utility model and a request for designation a utility model.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit observations on patentability after publication of the application, a request for revocation of the patent and a request for determination of the patent.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who plan to submit objections to the registration of a utility model, a request for cancellation of a utility model and a request for designation a utility model.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      An objections to the registration of a utility model, a request for cancellation of a utility model and a request for designation a utility model generate a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.
    • Electronic form:

      The form serves to submit a request for cancellation of registred design.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit the request for cancellation of registred design.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to submit the request for cancellation of registred design.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      Filing the request for cancellation of registred design generates a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.
    • Electronic form

      The form is used to submit an application for a declaration of invalidity, an application for revocation/partial revocation of a supplementary protection certificate, an application for revocation of the extension of the term of validity of a supplementary protection certificate, an application for amendment of the term of validity of a supplementary protection certificate and a request for determination.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit an application for a declaration of invalidity, an application for revocation/partial revocation of a supplementary protection certificate, an application for revocation of the extension of the term of validity of a supplementary protection certificate, an application for amendment of the term of validity of a supplementary protection certificate and a request for determination.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who plan to submit an application for a declaration of invalidity, an application for revocation/partial revocation of a supplementary protection certificate, an application for revocation of the extension of the term of validity of a supplementary protection certificate, an application for amendment of the term of validity of a supplementary protection certificate and a request for determination.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      An application for revocation/partial revocation of a supplementary protection certificate, an application for amendment of the term of validity of a supplementary protection certificate generate a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.
    • Electronic form

      The form is used to submit observations on the registration of an international trade mark in the territory of the SR, a request for revocation of an international trade mark in the territory of the SR, an application for declaration of invalidity of an international trade mark in the territory of the SR, an opposition to the grant of protection of an international trade mark in the territory of the SR.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit observations on the registration of an international trade mark in the territory of the SR, a request for revocation of an international trade mark in the territory of the SR, an application for declaration of invalidity of an international trade mark in the territory of the SR, an opposition to the grant of protection of an international trade mark in the territory of the SR.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who plan to submit an application for a declaration of invalidity, an application for revocation/partial revocation of a supplementary protection certificate, an application for revocation of the extension of the term of validity of a supplementary protection certificate, an application for amendment of the term of validity of a supplementary protection certificate and a request for determination.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      A request for revocation of an international trade mark in the territory of the SR, an application for declaration of invalidity of an international trade mark in the territory of the SR, an opposition to the grant of protection of an international trade mark in the territory of the SR generate a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.
    • Electronic form

      The form is used to submit an application for revocation of an European patent and a request for designation of an European patent.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit an application for revocation of an European patent and a request for designation of an European patent.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who plan to submit an application for revocation of an European patent and a request for designation of an European patent.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      An application for revocation of an European patent generates a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.

    • Electronic form:

      The form serves to submit an applicantion for renewal of trade mark.
    • Fees

      Filing an application for renewal generates a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit the applicantion for renewal of trade mark.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to apply for renewal of trade mark.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Electronic form:

      The form serves to submit an applicantion for renewal of utility model.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit the applicantion for renewal of utility model.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to apply for renewal of utility model.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      Filing an application for renewal generates a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.
    • Electronic form

      The form serves to submit an applicantion for renewal of design.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit the applicantion for renewal of design.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to apply for renewal of design.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      Filing an application for renewal generates a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.
    • Electronic form

      The form serves to submit a supplementary protection certificate.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit the applicantion for renewal of design.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to apply for renewal of a supplementary protection certificate.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      Filing an application for renewal generates a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.

    • Electronic form:

      The form serves to submit the transfer or rights of patent, supplementary protection certificate (hereinafter DOO), European patent designated for the Slovak Republic, utility model, design or trade mark.
      • Request for transfer rights
        The form serves to submit the transfer or rights of patent, supplementary protection certificate (hereinafter DOO), European patent designated for the Slovak Republic, utility model, design or trade mark.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit application for transfer of rights.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to apply for transfer of rights.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      Filing an application for transfer of rights generates a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.
    • Electronic form

      The form serves to submit an application for registration of a licence/sub-licence agreement, an application for registration of an amendment to a licence/sub-licence agreement, an application for registration of termination of a licence/sub-licence agreement for patent, supplementary protection certificate, European patent, utility model, design or trade mark.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit an application for registration of a licence/sub-licence agreement, an application for registration of an amendment to a licence/sub-licence agreement, an application for registration of termination of a licence/sub-licence agreement for patent, supplementary protection certificate, European patent, utility model, design or trade mark.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to apply for an application for registration of a licence/sub-licence agreement, an application for registration of an amendment to a licence/sub-licence agreement, an application for registration of termination of a licence/sub-licence agreement for patent, supplementary protection certificate, European patent, utility model, design or trade mark.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      Filing an application for registration of a licence/sub-licence agreement and an application for registration of termination of a licence/sub-licence agreement for patent, supplementary protection certificate, European patent, utility model, design or trade mark generate a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.
    • Electronic form

      The form serves to submit an application for an offer of a licence and a withdrawal of an offer of a licence for patent and European patent.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit an application for an offer of a licence and a withdrawal of an offer of a licence for patent and European patent.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to apply for an application for an offer of a licence and a withdrawal of an offer of a licence for patent and European patent.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      The service is free of charge.
    • Electronic form

      The form serves to submit an application for an offer or a withdrawal of a compulsory licence for patent, European patent and utility model.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit an application for an offer of a licence and a withdrawal of an offer of a licence for patent and European patent.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to apply for an application for an offer or a withdrawal of a compulsory licence for patent, European patent and utility model.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      Filing an application for an offer of a licence and a withdrawal of an offer of a licence for patent and European patent generate a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.
    • Electronic form

      The form serves to submit an application for registration or termination of a pledge for patent, supplementary protection certificate, European patent, utility model, design or trade mark.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit an application for registration or termination of a pledge for patent, supplementary protection certificate, European patent, utility model, design or trade mark.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to apply for an application for registration or termination of a pledge for patent, supplementary protection certificate, European patent, utility model, design or trade mark.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      Filing an application for registration or termination of a pledge for patent, supplementary protection certificate, European patent, utility model, design or trade mark generate a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.
    • Electronic form:

      The form serves to submit a request to register a representative or to register a change of representative in the register for a patent, supplementary protection certificate (hereinafter DOO), European patent designated for the Slovak Republic, utility model, design or trade mark.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit the applicantion for renewal of trade mark.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to apply for renewal of trade mark.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      The service is free of charge.
    • Electronic form:

      The form serves to submit a request for change in the data of applicants, owners, representatives, inventors, license holders and creditors in the register of the Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic for a patent, supplementary protection certificate (hereinafter DOO), European patent designated for the Slovak Republic, utility model, design or trade mark.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit the request for change.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to submit the request for change.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      The service is free of charge.
    • Electronic form

      The form serves to submit an application for registration of a co-applicant or another originator for patent, European patent, utility model or design.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit an pplication for registration of a co-applicant for patent, European patent, utility model or design.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to apply for an application for registration of a co-applicant or another originator for patent, European patent, utility model or design.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      Filing an application for registration of a co-applicant or another originator for patent, European patent, utility model or design generate a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.
    • Electronic form

      The form serves to submit an application for revocation and transcription of patent, supplementary protection certificate, European patent, utility model and design.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit an application for revocation and transcription of patent, supplementary protection certificate, European patent, utility model and design.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to apply for an application for revocation and transcription of patent, supplementary protection certificate, European patent, utility model and design.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      The service is free of charge.
    • Electronic form

      The form serves to submit an application for a modification in a trade mark or an application for narrowing of the list of goods and services in a trade mark.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit an application for a modification in a trade mark or an application for narrowing of the list of goods and services in a trade mark.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to apply for an application for a modification in a trade mark or an application for narrowing of the list of goods and services in a trade mark.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      Filing an application for a modification in a trade mark or an application for narrowing of the list of goods and services in a trade mark generate a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.
    • Electronic form

      The form serves to submit an application for registration of a change of the collective exploitation agreement of the trade mark.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit an application for registration of a change of the collective exploitation agreement of the trade mark.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to apply for an application for registration of a change of the collective exploitation agreement of the trade mark.
    • ow to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      Filing an application for registration of a change of the collective exploitation agreement of the trade mark generate a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.
    • Electronic form

      The form serves to submit an application for registration of a change in the owner of a trade mark following a court decision.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit an application for registration of a change in the owner of a trade mark following a court decision.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to apply for an application for registration of a change in the owner of a trade mark following a court decision.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      The service is free of charge.
    • Electronic form

      The form serves to submit a request for registration of litigation or a request for entry of termination of litigation for patent, supplementary protection certificate, European patent, utility model, design or trade mark.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit a request for registration of litigation or a request for entry of termination of litigation for patent, supplementary protection certificate, European patent, utility model, design or trade mark.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to apply for a request for registration of litigation or a request for entry of termination of litigation for patent, supplementary protection certificate, European patent, utility model, design or trade mark.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      The service is free of charge.

    • Electronic form

      The form serves to submit an application for an extension of time, a request for information, a request for access to the file, a request for rectification, a request for continuation of proceedings, a request for assistance, a request for restitutio in integrum, a request for an extract from the register, an application for discontinuance of proceedings, a request for a declaration of finality, a request for entry of further relevant data, a withdrawal of the request and a request not elsewhere specified for patent, supplementary protection certificate, European patent, utility model, design or trade mark.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit an application for an extension of time, a request for information, a request for access to the file, a request for rectification, a request for continuation of proceedings, a request for assistance, a request for restitutio in integrum, a request for an extract from the register, an application for discontinuance of proceedings, a request for a declaration of finality, a request for entry of further relevant data, a withdrawal of the request and a request not elsewhere specified for patent, supplementary protection certificate, European patent, utility model, design or trade mark.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to apply for an application for an extension of time, a request for information, a request for access to the file, a request for rectification, a request for continuation of proceedings, a request for assistance, a request for restitutio in integrum, a request for an extract from the register, an application for discontinuance of proceedings, a request for a declaration of finality, a request for entry of further relevant data, a withdrawal of the request and a request not elsewhere specified for patent, supplementary protection certificate, European patent, utility model, design or trade mark.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      Filing of some requests generate a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.
    • Electronic form

      The form serves to submit supplementary materials or response to the Office's report for patent, supplementary protection certificate, European patent, utility model, design, trade mark or international trade mark.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit supplementary materials or response to the Office's report for patent, supplementary protection certificate, European patent, utility model, design, trade mark or international trade mark.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to submit supplementary materials or response to the Office's report for patent, supplementary protection certificate, European patent, utility model, design, trade mark or international trade mark.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      The service is free of charge.
    • Electronic form

      The form serves to submit a complaint, an urgency or a notification for patent, supplementary protection certificate, European patent, utility model, design, trade mark or international trade mark.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit a complaint, an urgency or a notification for patent, supplementary protection certificate, European patent, utility model, design, trade mark or international trade mark.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to submit a complaint, an urgency or a notification for patent, supplementary protection certificate, European patent, utility model, design, trade mark or international trade mark.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      The service is free of charge.
    • Electronic form

    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit an application for a certificate of priority for patent, utility model, design or trade mark.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to submit an application for a certificate of priority for patent, utility model, design or trade mark.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      Filing of an application for a certificate of priority for patent, utility model, design or trade mark generates a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.
    • Electronic form

      The form serves to submit an application for additional grant of priority, an application for additional recognition of a priority document, a request for publication of the application before the time limit and a request for full examination for patents.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit an application for additional grant of priority, an application for additional recognition of a priority document, a request for publication of the application before the time limit and a request for full examination for patents.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to submit an application for additional grant of priority, an application for additional recognition of a priority document, a request for publication of the application before the time limit and a request for full examination for patents.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      Filing of an application for additional grant of priority, an application for additional recognition of a priority document, a request for publication of the application before the time limit and a request for full examination for patents generate a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.
    • Electronic form

      The form serves to submit a request for division of the application for patent, utility model, design or trade mark.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit a request for division of the application for patent, utility model, design or trade mark.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to submit a request for division of the application for patent, utility model, design or trade mark.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      The service is free of charge.
    • Electronic form

      The form serves to submit a request for deferment of publication of a utility model application or a request for deferment of publication of a registered design.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit a request for deferment of publication of a utility model application or a request for deferment of publication of a registered design.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to submit a request for deferment of publication of a utility model application or a request for deferment of publication of a registered design.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      Filing of a request for deferment of publication of a utility model application or a request for deferment of publication of a registered design generate a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.
    • Electronic form

      The form serves to submit a request for non-disclosure of originator's data or a request for re-disclosure of the originator's identification data for patent and utility model.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit a request for non-disclosure of originator's data or a request for re-disclosure of the originator's identification data for patent and utility model.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to submit a request for non-disclosure of originator's data or a request for re-disclosure of the originator's identification data for patent and utility model.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      The service is free of charge.

    • Electronic form

      The form serves to submit an application for international registration of a trade mark under the Madrid system.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit an application for international registration of a trade mark under the Madrid system.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to submit an application for international registration of a trade mark under the Madrid system.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      Filing of an application for international registration of a trade mark under the Madrid system generates a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.
    • Electronic form

      The form serves to submit an application for an extension of time, a request for information, a request for access to the file, a request for rectification, a request for continuation of proceedings, a request for assistance, a request for restitutio in integrum, an application for discontinuance of proceedings, a request for a declaration of finality and a request not elsewhere specified for international trade mark.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit an application for an extension of time, a request for information, a request for access to the file, a request for rectification, a request for continuation of proceedings, a request for assistance, a request for restitutio in integrum, an application for discontinuance of proceedings, a request for a declaration of finality and a request not elsewhere specified for international trade mark.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to apply for an application for an extension of time, a request for information, a request for access to the file, a request for rectification, a request for continuation of proceedings, a request for assistance, a request for restitutio in integrum, an application for discontinuance of proceedings, a request for a declaration of finality and a request not elsewhere specified for international trade mark.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      Filing of some requests generate a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.
    • Electronic form

      The form serves to submit an application for registration, variation or termination of a licence or sub-licence agreement, an application for registration or termination of a pledge, an application for registration of a transfer, an application for registration or change of a representative, an application for registration of a change of name, registered office/address, an application for renewal of registration of an international trade mark.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit an application for registration, variation or termination of a licence or sub-licence agreement, an application for registration or termination of a pledge, an application for registration of a transfer, an application for registration or change of a representative, an application for registration of a change of name, registered office/address, an application for renewal of registration of an international trade mark.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to apply for an application for registration, variation or termination of a licence or sub-licence agreement, an application for registration or termination of a pledge, an application for registration of a transfer, an application for registration or change of a representative, an application for registration of a change of name, registered office/address, an application for renewal of registration of an international trade mark.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      Filing of some requests generate a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.
    • Electronic form

      The form serves to submit an application for international PCT registration.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit an application for international PCT registration.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to submit an application for international PCT registration.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      Filing of an application for international PCT registration generates a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.
    • Electronic form

      The form serves to submit an application for an extension of time, a request for information, a request for access to the file, a request for rectification, a request for continuation of proceedings, a request for assistance, a request for restitutio in integrum, an application for discontinuance of proceedings, a request not elsewhere, an application for a retrial, a notice, a complaint, submission of supplementary materials, a response to the Office's report specified for international applications under PCT.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit an application for an extension of time, a request for information, a request for access to the file, a request for rectification, a request for continuation of proceedings, a request for assistance, a request for restitutio in integrum, an application for discontinuance of proceedings, a request not elsewhere, an application for a retrial, a notice, a complaint, submission of supplementary materials, a response to the Office's report specified for international applications under PCT.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to apply for an application for an extension of time, a request for information, a request for access to the file, a request for rectification, a request for continuation of proceedings, a request for assistance, a request for restitutio in integrum, an application for discontinuance of proceedings, a request not elsewhere, an application for a retrial, a notice, a complaint, submission of supplementary materials, a response to the Office's report specified for international applications under PCT.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      Filing of some requests generate a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.
    • Electronic form

      The form serves to submit an application for the grant of an European patent.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit an application for the grant of an European patent.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to submit an application for the grant of an European patent.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      Filing of an application for the grant of an European patent generates a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.

    • Electronic form

      The form serves to submit an application for a retrial, lodging a statement of appeal, an application for review of a decision outside the appeal procedure for patent, supplementary protection certificate, European patent, utility model, design, trade mark or international trade mark.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit an application for a retrial, lodging a statement of appeal, an application for review of a decision outside the appeal procedure for patent, supplementary protection certificate, European patent, utility model, design, trade mark or international trade mark.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to apply for an application for a retrial, lodging a statement of appeal, an application for review of a decision outside the appeal procedure for patent, supplementary protection certificate, European patent, utility model, design, trade mark or international trade mark.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      Filing of some requests generate a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.

    • Electronic form

      The form serves to submit an application for translation of the European patent file, an application for translation of the amended version of the European patent specification, an application corrected translation of the European patent file, an application for translation or corrected translation of patent claims.
    • Service description

      The service enables a citizen or entrepreneur to submit an application for translation of the European patent file, an application for translation of the amended version of the European patent specification, an application corrected translation of the European patent file, an application for translation or corrected translation of patent claims.
    • Whom is the service intended for

      The service is intended for citizens or entrepreneurs who are interested to submit an application for translation of the European patent file, an application for translation of the amended version of the European patent specification, an application corrected translation of the European patent file, an application for translation or corrected translation of patent claims.
    • How to use the service

      The service offers an electronic form. After filling in the electronic form, a citizen or an entrepreneur sends it out via his/her electronic mailbox available on the Central Public Administration Portal.
    • Electronic signatures

      Before sending, the electronic form must be authorized by a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal or by a recognized method of authorisation.
    • Fees

      Filing of an application for translation of the European patent file, an application for translation of the amended version of the European patent specification, an application corrected translation of the European patent file, an application for translation or corrected translation of patent claims generate a fee obligation according to Act No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended. Fees are paid on the basis of a written request and are payable within 15 days from the day of its delivery.